7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy

7 Investing steps that will make you wealthy
Do you want to be a successful investor? Of course you do! No one has the goal to start investing and wind up with less money than what they started with. But sadly, that is the reality for many investors. Why is this? Because they allow their emotions to make their investing decisions. This is where 99% of investors go wrong.

Think about it: when items go on sale at the grocery store, you stock up because you are getting a great deal. But when the stock market drops, you get scared and sell. The way to be successful in the stock market then, is to not get scared and sell.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. We are talking about life savings here, not milk, eggs, or cheese. But it can be done.

What Is 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy?

7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy is all about helping you to be a successful investor. There is a ton of information out there about how to make money in the stock market. In most cases, it is flat out wrong. You don’t need to monitor the stock market daily or have a degree in finance to be successful. You just have to be smart and patient.

Problems This Book Solves

This book is designed to solve five main problems that investors face:

  • How to keep your emotions out of investing
  • The benefits of buy and hold investing
  • The need to continually invest, regardless of what the market is doing
  • Why you need to have a diversified portfolio
  • The importance of rebalancing your portfolio

7 investing steps that will make you wealthy

Who Is This Book For?

  • Those who struggle with investing
  • Those who need an investment philosophy
  • Those who want to see results from their investments

What 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy Is Not

7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy will NOT give you some false promise of how to make millions overnight. I know we all want that, myself included, but it just isn’t happening. Don’t fall victim to those that tell you otherwise. They are just trying to get you emotionally hooked so that you give in and try their system out.

You’ll start off excited and hopeful, but that feeling will quickly subside when you realize you still aren’t making any progress towards your investing goals.

My book is different. It teaches you the very basics of investing. These basics are what will make you successful. These are the same principles I’ve seen in action at high net-worth investment firms and that I’ve used myself successfully.

investing cover

Click the “Buy It Now” button below to get your electronic copy of 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy for the special price of $10.  

Read What Others Are Saying


Jon presents a solid and worthwhile approach to take if you’re looking to invest in the stock market. Although the media presents investing as a way to get rich quick, Jon tears down that fallacy and wisely argues that a balanced and long term view of investing is one that will allow you to build wealth that will last. If you’re looking for an actionable guide for methods to implement this approach, this book will get you started on the right path. – John S., Sprout Wealth


7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy helped me to realize how much money I was paying in fees. I had no idea the fees affected my returns so much. Thanks for pointing this out and getting me on track! – Parrish H.


When it came to investing, I didn’t know where to start. 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy helped me to learn what to look for and how to get started with investing. – Jeremy B., Modest Money


As a curious beginner when it comes to investing, I found this book really useful. It clearly explains the key concepts for success in the stock market, and is easy to read – I’ve been put off investing before by huge jargon filled books that just seem inaccessible, or are full of unrealistic get rich quick promises. By contrast, this book was logical and full of useful advice and strategy – highly recommend. – Jessica Cooper, Digital Nomad Jobs


This book taught me that if I focus on a few key areas with my investing, I can be successful. No more jumping from investment to investment for me! – Amy D.


The Choice Is Yours

If you are fed up with not seeing results from your investments, then 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy is for you. If you are scared to start investing in the stock market, then 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy is for you. Again, these 7 steps are the same steps I used when I started investing 16 years ago and still use today. When I started saving, I was investing $20 per paycheck. I kept doing this, knowing that the power of compound interest and time were on my side. As the years passed, I continued to invest, regardless of what the market was doing, and continued to increase the amount I invested every year. My investments are now worth well over six figures. I know following these steps works and they will work for you as well.   investing cover When you buy my ebook, you aren’t just getting the ebook. I am including 2 bonus items as well!

    • First is a guide to passive mutual funds and exchange traded funds. This guide will show you exactly which investments you should consider investing in. There are thousands of investment choices out there, this guide narrows the field down to less than 300. This guide is yours free when you buy the ebook.


  • Lastly, you can contact me at any time you have questions about investing. I am here to help you succeed at investing. Just send me an email and I will reply as soon as possible.



  Click the “Buy It Now” button below to get your electronic copy of 7 Investing Steps That Will Make You Wealthy for the special price of $10. You’ll get:

    • 2 files, a .pdf version and a .mobi version. You can read this eBook on any device, including iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, laptop and PC.



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