Let’s face it. There are a ton of websites out there. Unless you happen to find one that was lucky enough to get their content curated by one of the big sites, odds are you would never find it. This is where Penny Thots is here to help. I have highlighted some of my favorite sites below to help you find them.
I do this because everyone has their own style and voice and you never know whose content will click with you the most. So I encourage you to take some time to check out the sites below in hopes that you can find some that will help you along your financial journey.
Airline Miles Experts – A travel site aimed to helping you travel frugally.
All Things Finance – a personal finance site covering all aspects of personal finance to help your wealth grow.
Blonde and Balanced – learn how to make money an important part of your life but not the driving factor in your happiness.
Breath of Optimism – A personal development site whose goal is to help you be the best you can be.
Budget and Invest – a personal finance site that teaches you how to set up a budget and use the money you save to invest for your future.
Budget and The Bees – this personal finance site focuses on how money impacts our lives and how we can make smarter decisions.
Bunny On A Budget – Follow along as one family lives an abundant life while sticking to a budget.
Cash Cow Couple – One couples journey of financial freedom.
Clever Dude – a personal finance site from a married guys point of view.
Counting My Pennies – a personal finance site teaching you how the power of small amounts of money can change your life.
Critical Financial – a personal finance site that challenges the finance norms we have grown accustomed to.
Debt RoundUp – One man’s journey to overcome $75,000 worth of debt.
Dinks Finance – finances for married people without kids.
Div Hut – want to become a successful dividend investor? This site will help guide you along the journey.
Engineer Your Finances – learn to engineer your finances in a way that helps you succeed financially.
Everybody Loves Your Money – learn from a blue-collar worker how to make ends meet.
Finance Footing – A personal finance site whose goal is helping readers learn about their finances so they can live a better life.
Financial Debauchery – A blog dedicated to helping you improve your finances.
Fine Tuned Finances – a personal finance site helping you to get your finances organized so you can achieve your financial goals.
From Frugal To Free – this site will show you how to stretch your income, earn more and get out from debt if you are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
Frugal Rules – Learn to live a better life with the finance tips John shares on his site.
Gajizmo – A personal finance site that talks all thing personal finance.
Kids Ain’t Cheap – learn how to provide for your kids and raise your family without breaking the bank.
Make Money Your Way – Tips and advice for helping you to find new ways to earn more money.
Makin The Bacon – One girl’s journey about learning money and still living life.
Modest Money – An investing site helping you to make smart investment decisions.
Money Mini Blog – Learn how to be smart with your money while being productive at the same time.
Money Smart Guides – A personal finance site dedicated to helping you get out of debt and become a successful investor.
More Than Finances – learn from someone who made every wrong financial decision and has learned the hard way at how to be successful with money.
My Car Insurance 123 – Free car insurance quotes.
My Life Insurance Quotes 123 – A site offering free life insurance quotes.
My Stock Market Basics – Learn the lessons from a guy who was a consistent loser in the stock market. Find out what helped him start winning and making money.
My Work From Home Money – Want to be your own boss? Learn how one guy earns an income from home and how you can too. It is possible, you just have to take that first step.
Newlyweds On A Budget – a site about managing money while in a marriage and everything that comes with it.
One Smart Dollar – A personal finance site helping you build your net worth one dollar at a time.
Our Debt Free Family – follow one family’s journey of getting completely debt free by 40.
Outlier Model – no one has the same money issues. This sites thinks outside the box to help you get control of your finances.
Peer Finance 101 – Learn about personal finance from people just like you and me. This site shares personal stories of wins and losses with money to help you succeed.
Peer Loans Online – Learn about peer-to-peer lending and personal loans here. Understand how these products work so you can get out of debt quicker.
Plunged In Debt – Follow one girl’s journey to get herself out of debt.
Reach Financial Independence – A blog about being smart with your money so you quit the rat race and live a live a financial independence.
Retire Before Dad – Follow along one man’s journey to retire at age 55 – one year before the age his Dad retired.
Rockstar Finance – If you want the best personal finance content on the net, this is the place to get it. All the best content curated in one spot.
Saving Advice – a personal finance site whose goal is to inspire and teach readers personal finance.
Savvy Scot – A blog helping UK readers better understand money.
So Over This – A personal finance site that is so over the rat race, debt and living irresponsibly. Learn how to better manage your money here.
Sprout Wealth – A site for those looking to grow your income and grow your assets for a better life.
Stapler Confessions – learn how to enjoy life frugally and live on less while getting out of debt.
Suburban Finance – a personal finance site that shows you how to travel on shoe-string budget and still have amazing adventures.
The Free Financial Advisor – straight-forward personal finance advice that you can use now to better your finances starting today.
The First Million Is The Hardest – A site aimed at helping you to grow your wealth and reach a net worth of $1 million dollars.
The Frugalpreneur – learn new ways to make extra money so that you can achieve your financial dreams.
The Money Template – A personal finance blog whose goal is to help you improve your finances by example.
Thousandaire – this personal finance site is all about entertaining personal finance.
Tight Wad Travelers – Learn from a couple about how to travel for next to nothing. Here they share their tips for you to start traveling for next to nothing.
What’s The Cost – Learn about the cost of things and how to make smarter money decisions.
Wise Dollar – Different strategies helping to you manage your wealth the best way you can.