How To Get Rid Of Toilet Rings Once And For All


Cleaning your toilet is just plain gross.

And don’t even get me started on the toilet brush.

We clean our house on a regular basis but even so, we have toilet bowl stains that start to show in between cleanings.

This is due to the fact that we have hard water.

Who knew that toilet rings can come from hard water?

We grew tired of scrubbing and set out searching for how to get rid of toilet ring easily.

We’ve tried lots of commercial products out there, but we had to spend a decent amount of time scrubbing.

Plus we had to wear rubber gloves because of the harsh chemicals.

Sadly, they really didn’t work as well as they should.

This includes us trying toilet bowl cleaner, those tabs you put in the tank that turn your water blue, and even a cup of liquid chlorine bleach.

If only there was a way to clean toilet stains more effectively, safer for the environment and without so much manual labor.

Well, there is.

Read on for how to get rid of toilet rings using 10 bathroom cleaning hacks.

How To Get Rid Of Toilet Bowl Stains | 10 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks

#1. Use Magic Eraser

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

I’ve found countless uses for the Magic Eraser.

One day when I was using it to clean, I asked my wife, “does the Magic Eraser remove toilet bowl ring”?

I was half joking and half serious.

Well, we gave it a try and you can add toilet bowl rings to that list.

To use, simply cut a small piece of your Magic Eraser from the scrub pad and place it in the bowl overnight.

Let it float, it doesn’t need to be submerged. In the morning you will find that most of the toilet bowl stains will be removed.

The downside to this cleaning hack is that you have to fish out the Magic Eraser as you cannot flush it.

Luckily, you only have to do this once.

Once you get the toilet bowl stains cleaned, you can place a piece of Magic Eraser in your toilet tank.

Then every time you flush, you will clean your toilet bowl automatically.

Just be aware of the placement of the piece of Magic Eraser in the tank.

If you don’t place it near the side of the tank, there is a chance it gets caught under the flapper, causing your toilet to constantly run.

A solution to this problem is to secure it to the side of the tank so that you don’t have to worry about it getting caught.

#2. Use A Can Of Coke

cola cans
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Want to know how to clean toilet rings with coke?

Simply take a can of cola soda and pour it into your toilet bowl.

It doesn’t have to be name brand cola, a store brand version cleans just as effectively.

Just let the cola sit for about an hour before you flush.

The acid in the soda eats away stains and lime scale.

The nice thing about this option is you can remove toilet ring without scrubbing.

Of course if your stain is really stubborn, you might have to get the brush out and scrub, but many times you won’t have to go this route.

Plus, you don’t have to fish out the cola like with the Magic Eraser above.

Once you get your toilet bowl clean, think about what cola (and soda in general) does to your body if it can remove nasty rings in the toilet and stop drinking it!

#3. Use Alka Seltzer

This bathroom cleaning hack is probably the easiest on the list.

All you have to do is drop two Alka Seltzer tabs in your toilet tank and/or bowl and let them dissolve.

The effervescence and citric acid works to keep your tank fresh.

I would suggest you start off by placing the tabs in your bowl where the rings are and letting the Alka Seltzer work its magic there first.

As with cola, in some cases, you might have to scrub really stubborn rings.

Once the stain is removed though, you can place the tabs in the tank so that when you flush, you have the Alka Seltzer working for you.

#4. Use Denture Cleaning Tabs

Instead of Alka Seltzer, you can try denture cleaning tabs.

They work similarly to Alka Seltzer in that the acid will work to clean toilet bowl stains.

The reason you might want to use denture cleaning tabs instead of Alka Seltzer is that the denture tabs are less harsh.

#5. Use The Pumie

If you aren’t familiar with The Pumie toilet bowl ring remover, you probably are scratching your head at this one.

The Pumie is a pumice stone cleaner for your toilet.

You might have heard of or even used a pumice stone to scrub away dead skin on your feet.

Well, this is the same thing, only with a handle for using on your toilet.

Now, this one does require some manual labor in the form of scrubbing, but everyone I know swears by this thing.

You can get it on Amazon here, or if you have a pumice stone already, you can try that one out.

Just make sure you wear gloves since your hands will get wet!

#6. Vinegar

white vinegar
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

It seems like white vinegar is the magic potion that cleans everything.

But what about toilet bowl rings?

Yes, you can clean toilet bowl rings with vinegar.

To clean your toilet, simply add 1/2 cup vinegar to the toilet bowl and let it sit for 20 minutes then flush.

This will work for most basic stains.

But for stubborn stains or toilet bowl stains from mineral deposits, you should let the vinegar in the bowl for up to an hour.

And you might have to scrub a little too.

In a few cases, vinegar alone won’t work. Luckily there are a couple more options for you to try.

#7. Vinegar With Baking Soda

A stronger solution than vinegar alone is to clean your toilet stains with vinegar and baking soda.

To use this solution, take 1½ cup of baking soda and pour it into your toilet bowl.

Then add 1½ cups of vinegar.

You will want to close the toilet lid as the mixture is going to foam.

It won’t overflow your toilet, but the foaming and fizzing will have some water droplets fly out of the toilet.

Let the mixture work its magic for 30 minutes and flush.

Again, for really stubborn stains, you may have to add in some manual labor and scrub.

This trick also works for hard water stains.

If you have hard water, you typically will see yellow stains or even rust in your toilet.

Simply use this trick and let the solution go to work for you.

For really bad hard water stains, you may have to repeat this process a few times.

But once the stains are gone, a monthly dose of this solution should keep your toilet clean.

#8. Borax

Some of you might use a Borax based solution for cleaning around your house.

If so, why not use it to get rid of toilet bowl rings too?

It is just as effective and is simple to use.

Instead of mixing Borax with other ingredients however, all you have to do is pour one cup of Borax into your bowl.

Then let it sit for a few hours and flush.

The Borax will dissolve in the water and go to work.

As with many of the other options in this list, if your toilet ring is really bad, chances are you will have to do some scrubbing too.

But before you resort to that, flush the toilet and add another cup of Borax and a half cup of vinegar to your bowl and let that sit for an hour.

In some cases, this could do the trick and help you to avoid scrubbing altogether.

#9. Dryer Sheets

fabric softener dryer sheets
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Here is a bathroom cleaning hack that might blow your mind.

You can use dryer sheets as a strategy for how to clean toilet rings.

Who would have thought?

Now, this tip does involve some manual labor on your part as you have to scrub the hard water rings with the dryer sheets.

Also, be sure to throw the dryer sheet away and not flush it down the toilet.

But with that said, this is a very cost effective option to try.

And what makes it even better is that you can use new or used dry sheets.

I personally would reuse my used dryer sheets instead of throwing them away to get double the use out of them.

This is just one of the many ways you can reuse dryer sheets.

#10. Lemon Kool-Aid

I loved drinking Kool Aid as a kid.

As an adult, I would have never guessed you could effectively use it to clean toilet stains, but you can.

All you have to do is buy a small packet of sugar free lemonade Kool Aid and dump the powder in your bowl.

Depending on how bad your rings are, you can leave it in the bowl for as little as 15 minutes to as long as a day before flushing the toilet.

In most cases, you won’t have to scrub the bowl as the Kool Aid will do all of the work for you.

The key to this try is to buy the sugar free version.

I don’t know how version is able to get rid of the ring in the toilet, but it does.

#11. Toilet Cleaning Bomb

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

People have been using bathroom bombs for a while now to add color, scent, or bubbles to bath water.

Now people have taken this one step further and are using toilet cleaning bombs to clean their toilets.

You can buy pre-made bombs from big box retailers or Amazon (here is the current best seller).

Or you can save money and make your own.

To make your own toilet cleaning bomb, combine the below ingredients into a plastic ziploc bag.

  • ½ cup borax or cornstarch
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid

Slowly add water to the mixture and close the baggie. Now knead the baggie to combine everything together.

Keep slowly adding water until the borax paste mixture stays clumped together.

Next, add a few drops of an essential oil to the mixture.

Get out a silicone mold, plastic eggs, or even measuring spoons to form the mixture.

Don’t overfill the molds as the mixture will greatly expand as it sets.

Let it sit for 24-48 hours and when you are ready to use, drop one into the bowl.

While these do work on your toilet, understand they are best used as a maintenance tool.

In other words, if you have some heavy stain buildup, these bombs won’t remove it.

You are better off using one of the other methods first and then using this trick for a weekly cleaning option to keep your toilet clean.

Removing A Pink Ring

If you happen to have a pink ring in your toilet bowl, you are in familiar company.

A lot of people have this common issue.

So what is it?

The technical term for it is serratia marcescens and it is simply a bacteria that lives in damp locations.

A toilet bowl, shower, bathtub, toilet water line, even a pet’s water bowl can have it.

The best way to get rid of this ring is with hydrogen peroxide.

Put a small amount in a spray bottle and spray the ring.

Let it soak for a moment and then use a brush to scrub it off.

You can also use white vinegar, but hydrogen peroxide works a lot better since it is an antifungal.

As long as you clean your toilet on a regular basis, the pink film should not return.

Wrapping Up

Overall, using these bathroom cleaning hacks for getting rid of toilet rings will save you money and protect the environment by using fewer costly chemicals.

Plus you be able to throw out that nasty toilet brush as well.

If you haven’t cleaned your toilet bowl in a while, or if your ring is from hard water, you might still need to scrub a little to get tough stains out or even try a combination of the ideas here.

I started out with the least expensive options first, trying vinegar and baking soda, and then coke before moving on to the other solutions.

Each trick did help to clean the toilet ring and eventually we were able to remove the stains.

Looking back, if we would have tried one solution a couple of times and scrubbed a bit, I am certain any of these would have done the trick.

Now we simply add in some vinegar and baking soda once a week and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Using this for regular cleaning has worked as the toilet bowl rings have not returned.

1 thought on “How To Get Rid Of Toilet Rings Once And For All”

  1. This is good information to have. I’ve had problems with my toilet before. It is arguably one of the most difficult things to deal with. But when I try to use Borax, it never fails my expectation! Thank you!

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