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A lot of people have the wrong idea about the stock market. 

They feel that it is set up so only the big guys can win.

This is simply not true.

The problem most small investors have is they don’t understand the basics of how the stock market works and how to control their own emotions.

In this section, I will teach you both of these things.

And in the end, you will be a successful long term investor who is able to grow your wealth.

Investing Basics: Here Is Where You Need To Start

If you are just starting out with investing, here are the posts you should focus on first. 

They will help you understand the building blocks of investing your money so you can experience success.

investing for beginners

Investing For Beginners

If you are just starting investing, this post is a must read to lay the best foundation for success.

active investing passive investing

Active vs. Passive Investing

There are 2 ways to invest your money. Find out which one is best for your long term goals.

You Need To Survive A Volatile Stock Market 9

How To Survive A Crazy Stock Market

The stock market can get crazy at times. Here is how to navigate the wildness and still grow your wealth.

Reader’s Investing Favorites

Here are the most popular articles about investing your money.

Readers love these posts as they get the most visits and the most social shares.

Your Ultimate Guide To Dividend Investing 5

Guide To Dividend Investing

Dividend investing a great long term strategy. Here is how to get started and be successful.

day trading rules charts

Day Trading Rules For Success

Day trading isn’t as hard or scary as it sounds. Learn the basics and enjoy making money.

The Importance Of Your Asset Allocation 5

Understanding Asset Allocation

Your asset allocation is critical to succeeding with investing. Here is what yours should be.

Investing Archives

Here is the complete archives of all the posts I’ve written about investing your money both in the stock market and outside of it.

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